To the esteemed Olam,
At this time of the year when every individual makes a cheshbon hanefesh reflecting on his current spiritual state, it behooves each and every one of us to make an accounting of the effects that the various digital technologies are having on our lives.
I would like to appeal to all Ahavas Olam participants who have not yet installed filters on their computers, laptops, iPhones, iPads, etc., to do so now. Because filters can easily be removed, I also encourage everyone to install accountability software that will serve as a shmira. There are a few accounts still available on the Ahavas Olam
YishmorEini program (there are now over 50 participants in the program). These accounts will be given out on a first come first serve basis. Remember this program is free, all costs have been sponsored.
Anyone interested in joining should go to the YishmorEini website.
Rav Simcha Klein