15620 W. 10 Mile Rd., Southfield,MI 48075 Detroit Zmanim

Schedule – Shabbos Parshas Vayeilech

Date: Sep 21, 2012 - 11:36 pm

Shabbos Schedule
Erev Shabbos
Candlelighting: 7:12 PM
Mincha: 7:15 PM
Sundown: 7:30 PM

Shabbos Day
Shacharis: 8:45 AM (kiddush is sponsored by R’ Yossi Singerman)
Drasha: 6:00 PM
Mincha: 6:45 PM (shalosh seudas is sponsored by R’ Gabi Grossbard)
Sunset: 7:29 PM
Maariv: 8:19 PM

**It is advised to add two minutes l’chumra to all times**

According to specific instructions from Rav Simcha Klein, Ahavas Olam is now an alcohol free zone from this Shabbos onward. No wine or other alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises at any time, including Shabbos and Yom Tov. Anyone who has questions should contact Rav Simcha Klein personally.

Weekly Schedule

Amud Yomi Shiur (Morning): Weekdays and Sunday at 6:45 AM at the Kollel.

Amud Yomi Shiur (Evening): Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 9:15 PM to 10:00 PM, and Thursday from 9:00 PM to 9:45 PM.

Sefer Chofetz Chaim Shiur: Sunday from 8:30 PM to 9:15 PM.

Lashon HaKodesh Enhancement: Sunday from 9:15 PM to 10:15 PM

Daf HaShavua Shiur: Monday from 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Navi Shiur (Sefer Yeshayahu): Wednesday at 8:30 PM. Bring your own copy of Sefer Yeshayahu.

Hashkafas Hayahadus Shiur: Thursday night from 9:45 PM to 10:15 PM followed by Maariv.

Have a Gut Shabbos!